Barkley University is not only focused towards providing quality online education, we are also striving to make a better future for our graduates by affiliating with corporate society and partnering with employers.
These partner employers are always kept in loop whenever there is a change in the curriculum or there are is a New batch that is passing out. Furthermore, when a vacancy arises in their organization, we are notified beforehand so that we provide them a list of probable candidates who would be willing to join their firms. This way we have created a win-win situation for students, professionals and employers.
Acceptance of our graduates in top positions is a sign that these partner employers really respect the level of education we impart and the skills we equip our students with.
Getting a taste of the market is very essential for all students because ultimately they must know how to apply their knowledge in their world. Barkley University have arranged for student internship programs with our partner employers who will take students for a tour in their organization for 6 months or more. These internship experiences are given great importance in the course of your study and you will even get some credits for these.
Barkley University has placement offices in all 6 continents and representatives in every region. Our partner employers can notify us if they have any vacancy or they need a number of students for a regional assignment. This is a good opportunity to get you involved with big corporate names.
When you become a partner employer with Barkley University, you not only get the access to graduates from our university, but will also be able to suggest your own employees to enroll in our courses. We will make sure that we make this relationship mutually beneficial for the students and our partner employers; up till now we have been really successful with it. Students who are referred by our partner employers get special reeducation in education fees because they have been referred by recognized sources. These students will get the chance to earn accredited online degrees and perk up their CVs that would help them and their organization.
Contact our student counselors at +1-855-382-8444 to discuss your partner employer status.
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