Online Programs that Fit Within
Your Busy Life

Program Objective

Barkley University offers two intensive Diploma program in order to supplement the cardinal education and help you accelerate through your education program to future leadership positions.

Diploma program provides you a strong professional background by offering innovative teaching methods and thorough curriculum that can help you ace through your professional education.

Students gain advanced skills in effective program management, planning, and assessment and reporting.

An emphasis is placed on enhanced communication skills to ensure effective communication, the practice of reflective teaching and the desire to continually improve professional knowledge and practice.

Moreover, students can get their previously earned credit hours transferred in order to shorten their program length and complete it in an accelerated mode

Read more about Credit Transfer Program

Eligibility Criteria and Related Details

Eligibility Requirement Applicant should have cleared GCE or an Equivalent International Qualification
Courses Offered 06
Fields 16
Total Credit Hours 36
Program Duration

Less than 6 month

Credit Transfer All credit transfers will be accepted.
Prior Learning Credits Previously Earned Credits Will Be Accepted
Student & Alumni Area Personalized student & alumni area
Study Material Provided FREE!
Study Mode Online, Self paced and Self study.

Please Note:
• Courses may vary on basis of Credit Hours Earned by an Applicant.
• Total Fee will be calculated after deducting the amount earned through Scholarship.
• Since its a Self Paced Program, Overall Duration May Vary.

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